
Showing posts from May, 2022

Not Your Grandma's Wagon Wheel: Hub-and-Spoke

The current catchphrase being applied to office leasing, "hub-and-spoke" was derived from the supportive design of early wagon wheels.  The energy for motion originates at the hub and is then transferred outward via individual spokes, thereby generating motion. I'm sure you remember learning about covered wagons during your American History class in school.  Well, their large wooden wheels with massive hubs and spokes kept those behemoths rolling across the plains of the U.S., and make an excellent graphic illustration of how "hub and spoke" works with businesses.  Historically, it was considered a business distribution method, but with the advent of Covid-19 and the ensuing disruption to a centralized business workforce, it is now being applied as an office/work model for an increasing number of large companies.   With the government enforced lockdown during the Covid-19 pandemic, in order to keep "rolling" companies had to figure out a way for their